Change Log
Latest versions
V 3.7.8
V 1.2.3
V 1.2.8
V 1.4.9
V 1.2.5
V 1.1.5
V 1.0.7
V 1.0.1
V 1.0.1
V 1.1.3
V 1.0.4
V 1.0.1
V 1.1.9
V 1.0.0
V 1.0.4
V 1.0.1
V 1.0.1
V 1.0.0
V 1.0.0
V 1.0.0
V 1.0.0
Fixed security bug allowing uploading of malicious attachments via email piping.
Fixed bug related to OTP when adding new users.
Fixed bug related to the SMTP settings.
Fixed bug related to canned messages.
Fixed bug related to the share rich message.
Added support for multiple email accounts in email piping.
Filter conversations by departments and tags now show only the conversations with the selected status code.
Fixed bug related to the flow message block attachments.
Fixed bug related to duplicated chatbot message references.
Fixed bug related to articles training.
Fixed bug related to flow start on page load.
OpenAI context awarness.
New GPT models added: o1 and o3-mini.
Added multilingual support for Flows.
The Multlilingual training sources setting has been deprecated.
Fixed bug related to the test template button.
Fixed bug related to Instagram messages exceeding 1000 chars.
Added support for button messages on Instagram.
Added full OpenAI support. Dialogflow is no longer required.
Fixed a bug related to privacy and registration forms.
Fixed bug related to emojis and stickers.
Fixed bug related to messages including tables.
Fixed bug related to message translation text rendering.
Fixed bug related to Push notifications via Pusher.
Fixed bug related to languages.
Fixed bug related to Calendly.
Option to set the chat language. Distruption: you have to update the Settings > Chat > Language option.
Option to route conversations to all agents regardless of their online status.
The rating form now show a feedback message in the chat.
Fixed bug related to conversation status after human takeover.
Fixed bug related to the flows.
Fixed bug related to Google Search.
Option to add mulitple start messages in a flow.
Shopify app V 1.0.0 released.
Fixed bug related to fetching LINE user profile name and picture.
Fixed a bug related to the registration form.
Fixed bug related to duplicated conversations and users.
Fixed bug related to {user_name} merge field.
Option to import users from a CSV file.
Added support for CC email addresses for email piping.
New rating system. Activate it from Settings > Messages > Rating.
Added HTTP status codes to the WEB API.
The bot action 'disable-bot' has been removed. Use the 'human-takeover' action instead.
Fixed bug related to Q&A function calling.
Fixed bug related to flow conditions.
Fixed bug related to missing messages when messages translation is active.
Fixed bug related to flows on Messenger.
Fixed bug related to disabling the chatbot for Instagram conversations.
Option to add question variants to Q&A.
Option to start a flow on page load.
OpenAI can now respond to questions related to real-time information via Google Search integration.
Edit conversations training.
Option to automatically train the chatbot using conversation messages.
Improved note data scraping.
Improved chatbot training window.
The button to generate user expressions has been deprecated.
The option 'Omit previous messages' has been deprecated.
Fixed bug related to echo messages.
Fixed bug related to audio messages.
Fixed bug related to sending audio messages and files via Twilio.
Fixed bug related to sending templates to multiple numbers.
Fixed bug related to the synchronization process.
Fixed bug related to phone number selector.
Fixed bug related to automations of message type while registration is active.
Fixed bug related to users search in the admin area.
Fixed bug related to receiving medias from MMS.
Fixed bug related to the registration form.
Fixed bug related to card and slider rich messages.
Fixed various bugs related to article translations.
Added the following newsletter integrations: SendFox.
Added new automation conditions. Distruption: you must update your automations.
Added support for OpenAI function calling in Q&A. Distruption: you must move your functions to the Q&A area.
Added Filipino language.
The subscribe message has been removed, use the follow-up message from now on. Distruption: you must update the follow up message if you were using the subscribe one.
The setting OpenAI > Function calling has been removed.
Fixed bug related to articles training.
Fixed bug related to conversation translations.
Fixed bug related to conversations marked as read if the chatbot is disabled for the specific conversation source.
Fixed bug related to website training.
Fixed bug related to rich message translations.
Fixed bug related to multilingual by translation for OpenAI messages.
Added support for OpenAI function calling in Q&A.
Added support for actions in Q&A.
Automatic article and article category translations.
Better language detection for OpenAI responses.
Added support for OpenAI audio messages when WhatsApp is sync via Twilio.
Improved text formatting and rich messages rendering.
Fixed various minor bugs.
Zalo app V 1.0.0 released.
Google Business Messages has been shot down by Google. The app is no longer available.
Fixed bug related to articles importing.
Fixed bug related to voice messages.
Fixed bug related to red counter.
Fixed bug related to offline message.
Fixed bug that ws forcing to reloead Support Board to see new messages in the PWA if the phone was inactive.
Filter users by conversation department, tag, and channel.
Filter attachments by type.
Option to disable the articles area.
Added Traditional Punjabi - Gurmurkhi language.
Starred tag to easely select conversations tagged with it.
The number of selected conversation and user filters now appear on the filter button.
Updated response for the PHP API function 'sb_get_shortcode()'. Now returns an array of shortcodes or an empty array if no shortcodes are found.
Fixed bug related to OpenAI user expressions generation for Dialogflow.
Fixed bug related to OpenAI assistants.
Fixed bug related to sb-human-takeover string sent as a message.
Fixed bug related to OpenAI text formatting.
Fixed bug related to Dialogflow payloads and actions.
Brand new chatbot area with many new features.
New GPT models added: gpt-4o, gpt-4o-mini, gpt-4-turbo.
Automatic training of OpenAI via cron job.
OpenAI and Google troubleshoot button.
Attachment URLs are now sent to OpenAI.
The OpenAI chatbot now stay active on human takeover.
The default OpenAI model is now gpt-4o-mini.
Fixed various minor bugs.
Option to make custom fields mandatory.
Fixed bug related to 360dialog.
Fixed bug related to sending templates with images.
Added support for WhatsApp Flows.
Added support for sending audio messages.
Fixed bug that was causing duplicated users and conversations.
Added compatibility for Telegram business account converstions.
Fixed bug related to uploading file and attachments.
Various minor bug fixes.
New articles system.
IP Banning. Restrict chat access by blocking IPs.
Option to hide the conversation details panel.
Various push notifications improvements.
Depreacted JS API function 'SBPusher.pushNotification()'. Now replaced by 'SBF.serviceWorker.pushNotification()'.
Depreacted PHP API function 'sb_save_articles()'. Now replaced by 'sb_save_article()'.
Improved OpenAI smart replies when translations are active.
Automatic training of OpenAI with the conversation's messages.
Fixed bug related to department assignment for new conversations generated by direct template messages.
Added support for button variables when sending direct template messages.
Compatibility update.
Fixed bug related to Support Board URL.
Compatibility update.
Fixed bug related to Push Notifications by Pusher.
Fixed bug related to getting correct user language.
Fixed bug related to deleted converstions when an agent was deleted.
Fixed bug related to OneSignal Push Notifications.
Fixed bug related to conversations list order in the admin area.
Fixed bug related to flash notifications for the chat widget.
Fixed bug related to sending audio messages to messaging channels.
Fixed bug related to user email notifications via cron job.
Added support for MySQL encrypted database connection.
Option to force one conversation per department and one conversation per agent.
Option to disable sending of privacy, subscribe messages on messagin channels.
New messages counter for admin area.
Improved sound notifications. Distruption: some of your existing sound settings will be lost. You have to setup them again.
Improved admin area design.
Improved queue management.
New argument extra_3 for the PHP API function 'sb_new_conversation()'.
Option to enable OpenAI for smart replies also if the chatbot is not active.
Fixed bug related to language detection.
Fixed bug related to message rewriting button and spelling correction.
Fixed bug related to the OpenAI assistant replies of conversations started from Telegram and LINE.
The default OpenAI model is now gpt-3.5-turbo.
Fixed bug related to WooCommerce orders.
Fixed bug related to the creation of multiple conversations for the same user.
Update to Twilio integration to add support for the new template methods.
Improved admin area design.
Option to disable the follow-up message on messaging channels.
The login form is now the default form when registration is enabled.
Fixed bug minor bugs related to RTL on the admin area.
Human takeover fallback message.
The chatbot response delay is now compatible with the messaging apps.
Fixed bug related to conversations order in admin area.
Fixed bug related to email piping.
Fixed bug related to desktop notifications username.
Fixed bug related to unread conversations count in admin area.
Option to edit notes and to hide note username.
Search for settings.
Option to show the department colors on the left conversation list.
Added Traditional Chinese language.
Improved tags. Distruption: your existing tags will be lost.
Improved SMTP compatibility.
Added custom push notification badge.
Fixed bug related to chat close on mobile when a new automated message is received.
The agent availability report is not longer available due to performance reasons.
Fixed but related to training panel.
Fixed but related to the opening of the chatbot training panel.
Fixed but related to the Google translations.
Fixed bug related to OpenAI custom models.
Human takeover for OpenAI.
Option to use multiple OpenAI assistants.
New GPT models added: gpt-3.5-turbo-1106 and gpt-3.5-turbo-0125.
Option to choose what services to update when training via the training panel.
Added voice messages support for WhatsApp and the other social channels.
Fixed bug related to real-time update of agent details.
Assign tags to conversations.
Added support for location messages.
Improved settings. Distruption: you have to synchronize again.
Templates support for multiple numbers.
Assign tags to conversations.
Assign tags to conversations.
Support for multiple channels.
Improved settings. Distruption: you have to synchronize again.
Assign tags to conversations.
Support for multiple numbers.
Improved settings. Distruption: you have to synchronize again.
Fixed bug related to departments filter for agents.
Fixed bug related to Push notifications on iOS devices.
Fixed bug related to red notifications.
Fixed bug related to issues with audio recording on Safari.
Fixed bug related to queue and routing.
Fixed bug related to RTL design.
Fixed bug related to duplicated or missing attachments when receiving multiple attachments at the same time.
Fixed bug related to issues with audio recording on Safari.
Fixed bug related to HubSpot newsletter integration.
Fixed bug related to the audio player.
Fixed bug related to users list when routing, queue or hide conversation of other agents setting is active.
Added support for OneSignal Push notifications.
Added Lithuanian language.
The away mode is now disabled by default. It must be activated from Settings > Notifications > Away mode.
Support Board conversations now display sent template messages.
OpenCart app V 1.0.0 released.
Fixed but related to voice messages sent to Dialogflow CX.
Fixed but related to add tags action.
Fixed but related to passing parameters to Dialogflow CX.
Added support for GPT Assistants.
Fixed bug related to template fallback notifications.
Fixed bug related to the chatbot messages.
Fixed bug related to sending and receiving messages.
The text of the image rich message is now sent to Messenger.
Fixed bug related to attachments with uppercase names.
Compatibility update.
Fixed bug that was causing the admin area to crash.
Fixed bug related to the conversation status on the admin area.
Option to send voice messages.
Improved chat widget design in RTL mode.
Improved registration form's phone selector and automatic prefix assignment by IP.
Improved chat widget design in responsive mode.
Voice messages can now be recognized and processed through speech recognition by OpenAI and Dialogflow.
Some minor enhancements have been made to improve security.
Fixed bug related to supervisor privileges.
Fixed bug related to getting new conversations.
Fixed bug related to code snippets rendering.
Fixed bug related to the users table error when logged in as agent and routing is active.
Fixed bug related to auto opening of the chat.
Option to filter conversations by chat source.
Option to force email notifications.
Option to exclude admins from receiving email notifications.
Offline status is now automatically activated after 2 minutes of inactivity.
Option to change admin colors.
Option to change the texts of the admin login page.
Improved touch gesture behavior on mobile devices.
Improved flesh notifications.
Improved red counter notification.
Major update to the responses of the following PHP API: sb_get_conversations(), sb_get_new_conversations(), sb_get_new_user_conversations(), sb_search_conversations(), sb_get_user_conversations().
Major update to the responses of the following JS AJAX API AND WEB API: 'get-conversations', 'get-new-conversations', 'get-new-user-conversations', 'search-conversations', 'get-user-conversations'.
New GPT models added: gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct and gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct-0914.
Option to stop the crawler from scanning other pages.
Option to train the OpenAI chatbot with questions and answers.
OpenAI spelling correction no longer remove text formatting.
Embedding are now protected via password-by-filename method.
Improved OpenAI token limit management.
The deprecated OpenAI models has been removed.
Fixed bug related to attachments with Twilio.
Improved conversation updates.
Fixed various minor bugs.
Fixed bug related to chat visibility.
Fixed bug related to the translation of chat widget.
Fixed bug related to conversation department and conversation agent assignment.
Fixed bug related to canned message search.
Fixed bug related to creating new conversations from the admin area.
Fixed bug related to the translation of the admin login area.
Fixed bug related to scrolling on new messages.
Fixed bug related to the follw up message delay.
Fixed bug related to empty admin message menu.
Fixed bug related to shortocode-like strings returning false in messages.
Calendly integration for booking appointments.
Option to export reports.
New report: agent availability.
Increased responsive mode to all devices smaller than 465px.
New PHP API function 'sb_reports_export()'.
New WEB AND AJAX API function 'reports-export'.
Fixed bug related to spelling correction.
Fixed bug related to OpenAI truncated responses when they contains numeric lists.
Fixed bug related to 1000 chars message limit.
Fixed bug related to the disabling of the first ticket form.
Fixed bug related to the conversations admin area filters.
Fixed bug related to AWS S3 uploads.
Option to send SMS for testing purposes.
Improved tags, departments, and channels management in the admin area.
Fixed bug related to email notification tranlations.
Fixed bug related to chatbot responses not received.
Fixed bug related to training sources in UTF-16.
Fixed bug related to token limits.
Fixed bug related to changes made by OpenAI.
Added custom prompt for message rewriting.
If the human takeover is already active, it will not be activated again, and the human takeover message will not be sent.
Fixed bug related to security error when an agent add a new user.
Fixed bug related to rich message shortcodes.
Fixed bug related to follow up message.
Fixed bug related to email piping.
Fixed bug related to archiving Slack channels.
Fixed bug related to the phone registration field.
Added Malay language.
Option to disable channels filter.
Tags filter.
Improved translations.
Privacy message is now sent to messaging channels as well.
Added breaklines for notes.
Agents email notifications are no longer sent if email piping is active and agent email notifications are not active.
Conversation left border is not of the same color or the depertament.
Removed Grammarly support.
Fixed bug related to replies from the chatbot.
The davinci, babbage, ada, curie models has been removed because they will be deprecated soon.
Fixed bug related to the Intent box.
Option to limit the number of messages an user can send to the chatbot in the specified interval.
Option to disable the chatbot on human takeover.
Option to delete previous training data for the chatbot.
Added OpenAI rewrite button in the Intent box.
Improved Dialogflow Intent box.
Improved OpenAI replies.
The responses generated by OpenAI now have the feature to include a hyperlink to the corresponding website page where the answer was sourced.
Fixed bug related to registration form with welcome message active.
Fixed bug related to the previous update.
Design optimization for right sidebar.
The mass messages sending button is now compatible with Twilio.
Fixed bug related to deleting article categories.
Fixed bug related to admin area translations.
Fixed bug related to the chat translations.
Fixed bug related to articles reports.
Fixed bug related to articles search.
Fixed bug related to corrupted chars for specific words in messages.
Fixed bug related to wrong dates.
Fixed bug related to breaklines in saved replies.
Fixed bug related to the saved replies search.
Conversation tags.
Option to select multiple conversations at once and perform actions like archiving, deleting, marking as read, or marking as unread on them.
Improved departments, agent and tags assignment via automations.
Push notifications are now multilingual.
Email notifications now feature rich messages.
Added translation compatibility for follow-up and subscribe messages.
Fixed bug related to Google translations.
Fixed bug related to spelling correction and rich message shortcodes.
Fixed bug related to message rewriting.
The Support Board articles are used as training sources automatically.
Added new action 'tags' to assign tags to a conversation.
New Dialogflow action to change user language on the fly.
If a human takes control, the OpenAI chatbot is deactivated, also if the agent goes offline. The Dialogflow chatbot continues to function whenever necessary.
If the user sends the same message again, triggering the same Intent in Dialogflow, and OpenAI is active, Support Board will attempt to send a message from OpenAI and will ignore the response from Dialogflow.
The saved replies panel search now includes results from Dialogflow Intents.
GPT models now support embeddings and prompts.
Translations for SMS notifications.
Translations for email notifications sent via cron job or human takeover.
The mass messages sending button is not available in the user details box.
Fixed bug related to duplicated Instagram attachments.
Fixed bug related to missing Instagram attachment extension.
Fixed bug related to articles importing.
We have implemented an IP ban to prevent brute force attacks resulting from multiple login attempts.
We have implemented an XSS injection protection for the admin login area.
Whenever the password for an admin or agent is changed, all active sessions are automatically logged out when sensitive operations are executed.
We incorporated supplementary security measures of lesser significance.
Fixed bug related to articles saving for large amount of articles.
Fixed bug related to the admin setting 'Order conversations by date'.
Fixed bug related to missing breaklines in privacy message.
Fixed bug related to email piping.
Fixed bug related to users exporting.
Fixed bug related to the logout from admin area.
Fixed bug related to empty conversation messages in email notifications.
Option to send email notifications via cron job.
Audio player.
Option to open an article category by URL.
The frequency and accuracy of offline messages have been enhanced significantly.
Improved front end translations and language detection.
Improved for Smart Reply feature.
Rich messages texts are now translated automatically.
New PHP API function 'sb_file_delete()'.
New WEB AND AJAX API function 'delete-file'.
Fixed bug related to translation of rich message shortcodes.
Fixed bug related to OpenAI replies when sending an emoji.
Fixed bug related to OpenAI message rewriting textare resize.
Fixed bug related to human takeover.
Fixed bug related to OpenAI Dialogflow Intents generation.
Option to ignore an Intents if they doesn't fit the provided keywords.
Added the latest ChatGPT models.
Dialogflow intentDetectionConfidence setting.
Multilingual Dialogflow and OpenAI chatbot for all languages via translation.
OpenAI chatbot training from your own website content and documents.
Option to add a prompt to the OpenAI chatbot.
OpenAI Dialogflow spelling correction feature.
The settings has been renamed and better organized. Important: check all settings and enable again the updated settings.
The human takeover message is now sent only once.
OpenAI smart reply optimization.
Full support for human takeover, offline message, and follow-up message when OpenAI is active, but Dialogflow is not.
The following PHP API functions has been removed: 'sb_dialogflow_smart_reply_generate_conversations_data()' and 'sb_dialogflow_smart_reply_update()'.
The following AJAX API functions has been removed: 'dialogflow-smart-reply-update' and 'dialogflow-smart-reply-generate-conversations-data'.
Option to send mass template messages to multiple users.
Fixed bug related to Instagram attachments sent by the chatbot.
Fixed bug related to welcome message.
Option to exclude chat conversation from the tickets area and tickets from the chat.
The welcome message is no longer shown in the tickets area.
Fixed bug related to module Support Board URL saving.
Fixed bug related to article translations.
Fixed bug related to the mobile app.
Fixed bug related to Sendinblue newsletter subscription.
Fixed bug related to transcripts.
Fixed bug related to date labels.
Option to always sort conversations by date in the admin area.
Option to login from external sources.
Option to show agent's name in every message.
Add 'New' label for new conversations and messages of the admin area.
Option to play a sound when the queue is active and it's the user's turn.
Messaging channels area.
Read status for users message.
New automation to show different items for different criteria.
Option to send mass messages only to users linked to a specific messaging apps.
Option to assign a conversation to yourself.
Message time is now always visible.
Close chat option now works also on mobile.
Minutes and hours instead of Today for messages time.
Improved admin design for small screens.
Added support for WebP image preview.
New JS API function 'SBChat.playSound()'.
New argument 'count' for JS API method SBChat.getArticles()'.
New JS API function 'SBApps.dialogflow.openAI()'.
New JS AJAX function 'open-ai-message'.
Added stickers support.
Fixed bug related to OpenAI responses.
OpenAI can now be activated also it Dialogflow is disabled.
Set OpenAI message length limit.
OpenAI now works directly with messaging apps, without the need of Dialogflow.
Smart Reply powered by OpenAI.
Agent messages real-time spelling correction powered by OpenAI.
Agent messages real-time rewriting to make them more friendly and professional.
Added the option to adjust the following OpenAI parameters: temperature, presence_penalty, frequency_penalty, logit_bias.
Fixed bug related to WooCommerce products selector.
Fixed bug related to red notifications.
Option to upload attachments on Amazon S3.
Option to add new allowed file extensions.
New JS AJAX API and WEB API function 'save-settings'.
Line app V 1.0.0 released.
Fixed bug related to CSS when loading Support Board inside Perfex.
Fixed bug related to human takeover chatbot deactivation.
When changing conversation the Dialogflow context and status is restarted.
OpenAI (ChatGPT) optimization.
Fixed bug related to admin area language.
Fixed bug related to agents and admins department and routing filter.
Fixed bug related to 'new' admin label for new messages.
Fixed bug related to online status of agents and admins.
Fixed bug related to local time.
Fixed bug related to reports time.
Fixed bug related to agent conversations list.
Fixed bug related to registration form for deleted visitors.
Option to add breaklines in saved replies.
Option to disable translations only for the settings area.
Removed email requirement when adding new users.
OpenAI (ChatGPT) support.
New PHP API functions 'sb_open_ai_curl()', 'sb_open_ai_message()', 'sb_open_ai_user_expressions()'.
New WEB API functions 'open-ai-curl', 'open-ai-message', 'open-ai-user-expressions'.
New AJAX API functions 'open-ai-message', 'open-ai-user-expressions'.
Fixed bug related to multiple WhatsApp numbers.
Fixed bug related to reopening of archived slack channels.
Fixed bug related to articles page design.
New newsletter service integration: Mailjet.
Read status for users message.
Option to send mass messages only to users linked to a specific messaging apps.
Option to assign a conversation to yourself.
Message time is now always visible.
Minutes and hours instead of Today for messages time.
Improved admin design for small screens.
Viber app V 1.0.0 released.
New synchronization procedure. The old synchronization will no longer work. Make sure to complete the new synchronization after this update.
Fixed bug related to reactions.
Fixed bug related to voice messages.
Fixed bug related to previous version.
Fixed bug related to duplicated conversations.
Fixed bug related to WordPress admin login.
Fixed bug related to corrupted attachments.
Fixed bug related to invalid chars with email piping.
Fixed bug related to department change email notification.
Fixed bug related to closing X on mobile devices when the queue is active.
Fixed bug related to red dot notifications.
Fixed bug related to email piping attachment names.
Fixed bug related automations.
Fixed bug related Polylang in WordPress version.
Editor WYSIWYG for articles.
Added support for breaklines in rich messages.
Inverted messages. Admin messages are now on right.
Added Business Messages to conversations filters.
New WEB API function 'get-bot-id'.
Fixed bug related to multiple WhatsApp numbers.
Fixed bug related to links sent from Slack.
Fixed bug related to agent assignment in the admin area.
Add multiple WhatsApp numbers.
Fixed bug related to Instagram attachments.
Fixed bug related to Current URL value.
Fixed bug related to RTL on admin area.
Fixed bug related to admin department selector.
Fixed bug related to agent privileges.
Fixed bug related to messaging apps messages sent to wrong numbers or accounts from Support Board.
Visitors automatic conversations are now hidden from the archived conversations list.
Lazy loading of images.
Fixed bug related to CSS loading inside Perfex. Update the module in Perfex.
Fixed bug related to Cloud API template replies.
Fixed bug related to duplicated agent messages.
Fixed bug related to WordPress users and admins update.
Fixed bug related to the supervisor settings.
Fixed bug related to email piping inline attachments.
Fixed bug related to the configuration URLs returned by the settings area buttons.
Added the following newsletter integrations: MailerLite.
The admin users area now show only the allowed users to agents.
Option to close dialogs via the space keyboard button.
Added attribute 'success-negative' to the rating shortcode.
Added new settings to the newsletter message.
Agents can no longer download the CSV of users.
Agent email notifications are no more activated automatically if email piping is active.
Improved WooCommerce and WhatsApp Shop sync.
Added the support for official WhatsApp Cloud API.
Fixed bug related to 360dialog templates.
Martfury app V 1.0.0 released.
Fixed bug related to reports.
Fixed bug related to real-time message translations.
Fixed bug related to email piping.
Fixed bug related to the repeater admin setting.
Option to overwrite the default settings via JS variable and PHP global variable.
Conversation details panel now available on mobile version.
Improved conversation transcripts.
Agent name is now showed on mouse over the agent profile picture beside the message.
Fixed missing translations.
Improved responsiveness on tablets.
Added 2 new arguments to the PHP API function sb_is_agent().
New PHP API function sb_supervisor().
New JS API event 'SBActiveUserLoaded'.
Google Business Messages app V 1.0.0 released.
Fixed bug related to order history.
Fixed bug related to duplicated automated messages on order complete.
Fixed bug related to registration form.
Google reCAPTCHA.
Fixed bug related to the _ char.
Fixed bug related to real-time message translations.
Fixed bug related to human takeover.
Fixed bug related to duplicated messages.
Fixed bug related to voice messages with 360dialog.
Phone is now imported.
Fixed bug related to real-time translations message formatting.
Fixed bug related to email piping.
Fixed bug related to messagin platform messages.
Fixed bug related to new conversation notification.
Fixed bug that was sending the queue message in combination with the offline message.
Fixed bug related to email piping invalid chars in subject.
Fixed bug related to new online user notification.
Fixed bug related to online status check.
Fixed bug related to email piping.
Fixed bug related to RTL design.
Fixed bug related to email notifications when Dialogflow human takeover is active.
Fixed bug related to duplicated Slack messages from email piping.
Fixed bug related to codes displaying.
Fixed bug related to red counter notification.
Fixed bug related to email notificaitons to agents when queue is active and no agents are online.
Option to filter conversations based by channel and department.
Use SHIFT + ENTER to make a breakline in the admin area.
Option to set a default department for conversations generated via email piping.
Automatic translations are now compatible with emails and messaging platform messages.
New arguments 'department', 'source' for PHP API function 'sb_get_conversations()' and WEB and JS API AJAX function 'get-conversations'.
The email notification on new conversations now works for multiple channels. Important: update the option now from the admin area.
Fixed bug related to messages not received.
Fixed bug related to unicode chars.
Fixed bug related to duplicated messages.
Fixed bug related to duplicated messages.
Fixed bug related to WooCommerce Intents synchronization.
Fixed bug related to Dialogflow CX.
Fixed bug related to email piping chatbot responses.
Fixed bug related to Smart Reply.
Fixed bug related to Google Search.
Fixed bug related to red counter notifications.
Fixed bug related to duplicated automation messages.
Fixed bug related to error notifications and required fields when creating or updating a user or admin.
Push notifications now support image previews.
The setting saved replies has been moved to Settings > Admin.
Option to set the default shop URLs.
WhatsApp Shop compatibility.
Fixed bug related to the multilingual feature.
Option to exclude invalid Google search results via Entities detection. You need to sync Dialogflow again for this feature to work.
Option to change Dialogflow agent via JS variable 'SB_DIALOGFLOW_AGENT'.
Option to assign a differnt Dialogflow agent to each department.
New argument 'project_id' for PHP API function 'sb_dialogflow_message()'.
Added support for WhatsApp Shop.
Fixed bug related to 360dialog activation instead of Twilio.
Fixed bug related to email piping.
Option to choose which user fields to send to the main channel.
Use the Slack command /archive to archive a conversation from Slack.
Option to set a dedicated Slack channel for each department.
Slack message to notifiy when the user has been notified by email or text message.
Support Board rich messages are now displayed correctly in Slack.
Slack messages and invitations are now sent only to the right agents in relation to the conversation department or agent.
When a conversation is archived in Support Board, the linked Slack channel is also archived.
Added support for voice messages.
Fixed bug related to sounds and notifications on mobile.
Fixed bug related to WordPress custom user roles.
Fixed bug related to email piping and UTF-8 chars.
Fixed bug related to user notifications when queue is active.
Fixed bug related to design automations.
Fixed bug related to the close chat button on mobile devices.
Added the following newsletter integrations: HubSpot, Moosend, GetResponse, ConvertKit, ActiveCampaign.
New automation types to set default department and agent for new conversations.
Option to run email piping via URL.
Added queue compatibility for conversation generated by messaging apps.
Optimization of the yellow banner that alert when another agent is replying.
Direct and mass messages are now compatible with messaging apps, the message will be sent to the messaging apps as well.
New PHP API function 'sb_messaging_platforms_send_message()'.
Fixed bug related to Google Search.
Added new action 'update-user-details' to save user details via Dialogflow.
Zendesk app V 1.0.0 released.
Fixed a security bug that allowed anyone to read the secret token of users and admins and take control of the Support Board admin area if Pusher was active. Check your admin and agents account and settings area and make sure everything is as expected. This bug only affects Support Board installations that use the Miscellaneous > Pusher setting.
Fixed bug related to the admin area translation option.
Fixed bug related to rich messages inside the welcome message.
Fixed bug related to email notifications for conversations generated by external sources.
Option to mark a conversation as unread.
Fixed bug related to attachments with spaces in the file name.
Added support for 360dialog.
Fixed bug related to attachments with spaces in the file name.
Fixed bug related to agent locations different from global or us.
Fixed bug related to the rich message submit and message updates.
Fixed bug related to the red counter notifications.
Fixed bug related to text message and email notifications for conversations from messaging apps.
Option to close the chat for both users and agents.
Fixed bug related to fixed phone number country code.
Fixed bugs related to the chat design.
Fixed bug related to registration error messages.
Fixed bug related to messages not visible in chat if sent at the same time of other messages.
File attachments are not deleted on message delete, conversation delete, or user delete.
Dialogflow send message function parameters are now optional.
The attributes 'routing' and 'routing_unassigned' from the PHP API functions 'sb_get_conversations()', 'sb_get_new_conversations()'.
The attributes 'routing' and 'routing_unassigned' from the JS API AJAX functions 'get-conversations', 'get-new-conversations'.
The datetime attribute of the following PHP functions now accept also an ID: sb_get_new_users(), sb_get_new_conversations(), sb_get_new_messages(), sb_get_new_user_conversations().
The datetime attribute of the following WEB and JS AJAX functions now accept also an ID: get-new-users, get-new-conversations, get-new-messages, get-new-user-conversations.
Fixed bug related to phone field in registration form.
Fixed bug related to login and registration without email.
Fixed bug related to message echo.
On Support Board login, the user is automatically logged in WordPress as well if the users system is set to WordPress.
Option to create and login a WordPress user on Support Board user registration.
Option to paste a screenshot from the clipboard and send it as message.
Improved conversations search.
Text markup for rich message texts.
Twitter app V 1.0.0 released.
Option to include the products list in the ticket creation form.
Improved MySQL injection attacks protection.
Fixed bug related to time in 12h format.
Added agents dashboard menu.
Mobile app switch conversations and users by touch move right and left.
Mobile app back button optimization.
Mobile app message time design.
Agents notifications are now sent when the user send the user details via rich messages.
Fallback profile picture if the generated one from the user name is broken.
Removed first paramenter 'recipient_id' and parameter 'department' from the PHP API function 'sb_send_agents_notifications()'.
Fixed bug related to Telegram users without username.
Option to let the bot get answers by searching on Google.
Automatic spelling correction.
The chatbot can now reply to user emails if email piping is active.
The chatbot can now reply to user text messages.
Option to send the user details of the registration form and email rich messages to Dialogflow.
New action to archive the chat and send the close message.
Rich message values are now sent as Dialogflow parameters.
Rich message responses are now ID|response or ID only.
New parameter 'parameters' for the PHP API function 'sb_dialogflow_message()' and the AJAX and WEB API functions 'dialogflow-message'.
Fixed bug related to rich messages placeholders design.
Fixed bug related to WordPress languages.
Fixed bug related to conversations started by agents.
Added Grammarly support.
Option to select what webhooks to activate.
Added Icelandic language.
Option to set a link for articles button.
Search articles by pressing ENTER keyboard button.
Minor chat design optimization.
New parameter 'agent' for the PHP API function 'sb_get_user_conversations()' and JS API AJAX function 'get-user-conversations'.
Fixed bug related to new ticket message attachments.
New ticket received email confirmation.
Improved compatibility for Instagram rich messages and text formatting.
Replies from Slack are now sent to messaging apps like WhatsApp, Messenger, Telegram, WeChat.
WeChat app V 1.0.0 released.
Fixed bug related to reports date filter.
Fixed bug related to rating.
Fixed bug related to online status and email notifications when agent is online.
Fixed bug related to email piping.
Fixed bug related to WordPress loggout for admins.
Fixed bug related to text formatting in shortcode's messages.
Fixed bug related to agent notifications on conversation transfer to another agent.
Fixed bug related to article rating for new users.
Fixed bug related to queue.
Fixed breakline bug on pop up message.
Online users notification and sound.
Option to force a single phone country code.
Option to disable manual email piping cron job.
Add new merge fields: {agent_name} and {agent_email}.
Merge fields optimization.
Conversations and users opening by URL for unauthorized agents is now blocked.
Removed default mndatory email and phone follow-up message on conversations from messaging apps. New shortcode parameter 'required-messaging-apps' to force them.
Support Board WordPress version now have an option to logout Support Board agents if they are not logged in WordPress.
Improved translations.
Merge field {user_name} is now compatible with follow up and subscribe messages.
New PHP API function 'sb_get_last_message()'.
New parameter 'user_id' for the PHP API function 'sb_push_notification()' and JS API AJAX function 'push-notification'.
Fixed bug related to cross-domain fonts loading.
Fixed bug related to the search box.
Fixed bug related to article rating.
Option to change default field names.
Tickets are now marked by conversation source.
Fix bug that was allowing a user to grant admin privileges via API.
Fixed bug related to human takeover on messaging apps.
Follow-up success message do longer appends the user email, use {user_email} instead.
WordPress multisite users of all websites are now synchronized with Support Board.
Fixed bug related to conversation events and message breaklines.
Fixed bug related to rich messages.
Fixed bug related to scrolling on mobile devices.
Fixed design bug related to the queue message.
Option to open an article from an external link.
Optimizations for mobile devices.
Telegram app V 1.0.0 released.
Option to force a message to be always sent also if human takeover is active and the agent is online.
Rating for messaging apps.
Queue compatibility.
Various minor optimizations.
Fixed bug related to offline message title.
Fixed bug related to translations with HTML chars.
Fixed bug related to Push notifications.
Fixed bug related to office hours and offline message.
Fixed bug that allow a user to use an agent or admin email to register if the option 'allow duplicated emails' is active.
Cloud version.
SaaS version for resellers.
Option to change PWA icon and name, browser favicon, and admin area top-left icon.
Option to set default user details for a new user via JavaScript variable SB_DEFAULT_USER.
Option to allow agents to delete conversations and empty the trash.
Option to send the transcript via email.
Option to send the transcript via email when the conversation is archived via close message.
Double-way text messages communication.
Support for text message attachments.
Improved performance for translations.
Allow duplicate emails option now allow alos duplicated phone numbers.
Admin area language now matches agents and admins language user detail.
Push and desktop notifications optimization.
On mobile, if the chat is open and the user clicks the 'back' browser button, the chat close, and the current page remains active.
New PHP API function 'sb_get_admin_language()'.
New argument 'attachments' for the PHP API function 'sb_send_sms()' and the JS and API functions 'send-sms'.
Added Instagram direct messages support.
Agent typing status in Messenger.
Online status optimization.
Fixed bug related to Dialogflow and first ticket message.
New tickets now show the department name instead of ID.
Improved tickets area loading.
Fixed bug related to Knowledge base responses.
Support Board articles are now synchronized automatically with the Dialogflow knowledge base.
Option to disable Dialogflow for the tickets area.
The action 'transcript' option to send the transcript via email.
Support Board rich messages can now be inserted into a custom payload response.
Smart reply optimization.
Fixed bug related to admin email and sms notifications confirmation message.
Articles parent category. You need to assign again all categories to all articles.
Single article now supports up to 3 categories.
Option to display Agents & Admins tab also for agents.
Online status indicator in the Agents & Admins list.
Option to enable the agents and admin tab for agents.
Improved performance.
Automatic collapse of the dashboard conversations list.
Fixed bug related to Push notifications
Human takeover email notification optimization.
Fixed bug related to WooCommerce rich messages.
Improved security related to SQL Injection and XSS attacks.
Fixed bug related to users pagination.
Fixed bug related to online user status on the admin area when Pusher is active.
Fixed bug related to message with attachments.
Option to display additional columns in the user table.
Articles page with WordPress shortcode.
Option to open the links of card and slider rich messages in a new window.
Option to disable reports.
Improved 'Another agent is replying to this conversation' message.
Minor UI optimizations.
Various minior optimizations.
Online/offline status switcher is now available in the mobile app.
Improved flash notifications for the admin area.
Improved performance.
New arguments 'extra' and 'user_ids' for the PHP API function 'sb_get_users()' and the AJAX and WEB API function 'get-users'.
Removed argument 'exclude_id' from the PHP API function 'sb_get_online_users()' and WEB and JS API functions 'get-online-users'.
Removed argument 'routing' from the PHP API function 'sb_new_conversation()' and WEB and JS API functions 'new-conversation'.
New argument 'category' for the JS API function 'SBChat.getArticles()'.
New PHP API function 'sb_execute_bot_message()'.
The default returned values of the PHP API function 'sb_get_online_users()' and WEB and JS API functions 'get-online-users' now exclude agents and admins.
Fixed bug related to the WEB API function 'email-piping'.
A valid purchase code is now required to enter the admin area.
Compatibility update.
Fixed bug related to language detection and bot language switching.
Fixed bug related to multilingual option.
Human takeover optimization. See the docs for more details.
Create Intent box optimization.
Welcome intent is now multilingual.
Improved performance.
Removed option 'Disable bot if unknown answer', now included in the human takeover option.
The rating rich message response is no longer sent to Dialogflow.
Removed option 'Offline message if unknown answer', now activated automaticaly if the human takeover option is active.
Removed JS API function 'SBApps.dialogflow.unknowCookie()'.
New PHP API function 'sb_dialogflow_human_takeover()'.
New JS API and WEB API function 'dialogflow-human-takeover'.
Fixed bug related to message attachments.
Added support for Dialogflow chatbot.
Fixed bug related to message attachments.
Fixed various minor bugs.
Added support for Dialogflow chatbot.
Added support for Dialogflow human takeover.
Added support for Messenger and WhatsApp conversations.
Fixed compatibility bug with the Support Board latest version.
Improved security related to SQL Injection and XSS attacks.
Fixed security bug that was allowing agents and admins to read data from the database.
Fixed bug related to routing.
Fixed bug related agent and department conversation assignment notifications.
Improved RTL admin UI and WordPress UI.
On mobile, chat is never opened automatically on page load.
Option to disable email field from the registration form.
PHP API function 'sb_get_online_user_ids()' renamed to 'sb_get_online_user_ids()'.
Fixed bug related to intents update.
Added routing compatibility.
Fixed bug related to corrupted chars in email piping messages.
Fixed bug related to routing when Pusher is active.
Fixed bug related to admin login for WordPress.
New performance option: minify JS.
New options for routing and conversations assigned to a single agent.
WordPress options to show the Support Board admin area to custom WordPress users roles.
New PHP API function 'sb_get_last_agent_in_conversation()'.
Fixed bug related to Dialogflow CX events.
Human takeover transcript optimization.
Option to change user expression in the new intent box.
Support for routing.
WhatsApp app V 1.0.0 released.
Fixed bug related to email piping attachments.
Fixed bug related to external database unicode chars.
Fixed bug related to SMS notification template.
Fixed bug related to conversations search and pagination.
Fixed bug related to red notifications counter.
Option to import and export settings.
Conversation rating displayed in the conversation area on the right.
Front-end chat URL parameters: chat=open, conversation=123.
Option to allow only one conversation per user.
New argument 'conversation_id' for the PHP API function 'sb_send_sms()'.
New argument 'conversation_id' for the WEB API function 'send-sms'.
New PHP API function 'sb_export_settings()'.
New JS and WEB API function 'export-settings'.
Fixed bug related to user profile image.
Fixed bug related to shop user's details in the admin area.
Option to disable the password field from the registration form.
Fixed bug related to notifications.
SMS notifications for agents.
Fixed bug related to intent creation.
Fixed bug related to 'send-email' bot action.
Language detection optimization.
Smart reply optimization.
Human takeover email notification now sends the full conversation.
Fixed bug related to admin translations.
Fixed bug related attachments drag and drop.
Fixed bug related to MailChimp subscription.
Fixed bug related to SMS sender number, please check it on the settings area and make sure it works.
Fixed bug related to WordPress conversations synchronization with the logged in user.
Attachments support for email piping.
Zapier support.
Option to show the offline message as header text or info message.
Manual agent assignment from the admin area when routing is active.
Option to disable the checking of offline agents for the offline message and display it only when out-of-office hours.
Improvements for Push notifications, SMS notifications and email notifications.
Conversation department assignement now alert validated agents also via SMS and Push notifications.
Improvements for the email piping feature.
Removed requirement for email and password when editing a user profile.
Cross-site function to simplify the cross-site implementation.
Minor automations optimizations.
Notifications permission request is now showed to users only when a message is sent.
New PHP API functions 'sb_send_agents_notifications()', 'get_user_by()'.
New WEB and JS AJAX API function 'update-conversation-agent'.
New JS API functions 'SBChat.offlineMessage()', 'SBConversation.getUserMessages()'.
New argument 'agent' for the JS API function 'SBConversation.getLastUserMessage()'.
New argument 'send_to_active_user' for the JS API function 'SBChat.sendEmail()'.
Fixed bug related to bot deactivation when a human reply.
Smart reply suggestions.
Support for Dialogflow CX.
Real-time messages translation via Google Translate.
Option to update existing Intents on the fly and add new training phrases and responses.
Message language detection with automatic agent language change and fallback message.
New bot action 'send-email' to allow the bot to send emails to the active user or agents.
New bot action 'agent' to allow the bot assign an agent to a conversation.
New bot action 'disable-bot' to disable the bot for 1 hour.
Option to display the offline message only if the bot doesn't know an answer.
Option to disable the bot when a user ask for human takeover.
PHP API function name 'sb_dialogflow_intent()' changed in 'sb_dialogflow_create_intent()'.
PHP API function name 'sb_send_bot_message()' changed in 'sb_dialogflow_message()'.
WEB and JS AJAX API function name 'send-bot-message' changed in 'dialogflow-message'.
JS API function name 'SBChat.sendBotMessage()' changed in 'SBApps.dialogflow.message()'.
New argument 'delay' for the JS API function 'SBApps.dialogflow.message()'.
WEB and JS AJAX API function name 'dialogflow-intent' changed in 'dialogflow-create-intent'.
New PHP API functions 'sb_dialogflow_get_intents()', 'sb_dialogflow_update_intent()', 'sb_google_language_detection_update_user()', 'sb_google_language_detection()', 'sb_google_get_language_name()', 'sb_dialogflow_smart_reply()', 'sb_google_translate()'.
New JS AJAX API functions 'dialogflow-get-intents', 'google-language-detection-update-user', 'google-translate'.
New JS API function 'SBApps.dialogflow.translate()'.
Update to the function 'sb_dialogflow_message()', the argument 'conversation_id' is now optional, if not provided the bot reply message is not sent.
Fixed bug related to links sent from Slack.
Fixed bug related to channels archiviation.
Fixed bug related to channels creation and messages.
Fixed bug related to admin messages not synchronized with Slack.
Option to disable the automatic invitation of agents to the channels.
Fixed bug related to product card.
Fixed bug related to Support Board admin area opened inside Perfex.
Fixed bug related to PNG fallback icons for cross-domain.
Fixed bug related to HTML code into articles, custom rich messages and email contents.
Fixed bug related to wrong text to emoji conversion for some world.
Fixed bug related to intents creation with long names.
Fixed minior bug related to the UI of article rating.
Fixed security bug that was allowing a user to become a Support Board admin or agent. Please check Users > Admin & Agents to verify that there are no unauthorized agents or admins. This bug does not allow an attacker to insert any malicious software into your server or create any damage to your server.
Fixed bug related to Dialogflow human takeover double email notification.
Fixed bug related to conversations status when Dialogflow human takeover request is active.
Fixed bug related to email piping encoding.
Fixed bug related to articles deletion.
Fixed bug related to WordPress users synchronization.
Option to open the WordPress edit user page of an user from the right panel.
Automations option to send a message instead of the pop-up if the chat is open.
Support for WordPress user avatars.
Option to adjust the chat button position.
Profile edit box now includes custom user details.
Added close button in the chat conversation panel on mobile devices.
Removed red label for new messages in admin area.
New argument for the JS API function 'SBF.cookie()', .
New JS API function 'SBF.UTC()'.
ARMember app V 1.0.0 released.
Fixed bug related to email notifications.
SMS notifications for users.
Fixed bug related to PNG fallback icons for cross-domain.
Fixed bug related to users and conversations count in the admin area.
Fixed bug related sound notifications.
Fixed bug related to articles categories.
Added missing translations.
Fixed various compatibility issues related to email piping.
Fixed multiple bugs related to SMS notifications.
Fixed bug related to social share button.
Fixed various bugs related to automation conditions.
Fixed bug related to the browser history of the admin area when used within WordPress.
Fixed bug related to busy conversation alert on admin area.
Added 20+ languages for both back-end and front-end.
Admin languages are now fully translated.
Option to add new translations for the admin area.
Deleted and archived conversations are now removed in real-time from the left conversations list of the admin area.
Improved translations area.
Agents email and text message notifications are now sent only to agents who are not online at the moment.
Updated website.
New arguments 'sorting', 'agents' for the PHP API function 'sb_get_online_users()' and WEB and JS API funtions 'get-online-users'.
New PHP API functions 'sb_get_online_user_ids()', 'sb_get_translation()', 'sb_get_active_user_ID()', 'sb_get_agents_in_conversation()', 'sb_conversation_security_error()', 'sb_set_agent_active_conversation()', 'sb_is_active_conversation_busy()'.
New JS AJAX and WEB API function 'get-agents-in-conversation'.
Fixed bug related to foreign usernames.
New payload action for setting or changing the conversation department.
Fixed bug related to chinese languages.
Customers synchronization by contact and client, previously was by client only.
Option to disable the auto-loading of the chat in the Perfex customers' area.
Fixed bug related to abandonded cart.
Fixed bug related to the generation of large amount of coupons.
Fixed bug related to duplicated messages.
Fixed minior bug related to initialization in some website.
Fixed a minor security bug that was allowing a user or agent/admin to stay logged in after a password change.
Fixed minor design bugs.
Fixed bug related to shortcodes into welcome message.
Option to subscribe users to the following newsletter services: Mailchimp, Sendinblue, SendGrid, Elastic Email, Campaign Monitor.
Option to enable email piping for all emails.
Major updates and improvements in the design of the mobile app.
New PHP API function 'sb_newsletter()'.
New JS AJAX and WEB API function 'newsletter'.
Fixed bug related to articles in the admin area.
Fixed bug related to email notifications.
Fixed bug related to Push notifications.
Fixed a few design bugs.
Reports for direct messages.
Performance optimization options in Settings > Miscellaneous.
Option to download the conversation transcript as .txt file.
Option to make the registration phone field mandatory.
Admin users table is now fully updated in real-time when Pusher is active.
Left arrow animation.
Improved email validation.
New messages sent from the server are now recognized as new messages.
Cron job for email piping is now executed every minute.
Text message notifications for email piping.
New PHP API function 'sb_transcript()'.
New JS AJAX and WEB API function 'transcript'.
Depreacted PHP API function 'sb_csv_conversations()'. Now replaced by 'sb_transcript()'.
Depreacted JS AJAX and WEB API function 'csv-conversations'. Now replaced by 'transcript'.
Updated translations.
Messages sent back to Facebook users directly from Messenger are now included in the conversation.
Fixed bug related to the emoji.
Fixed bug related to channels creation with same user name.
Fixed minor bugs.
New payload action for downloading the conversation transcript as .txt file.
Fixed bug related to cart management in the admin area.
Fixed bug related to the settings 'Follow-up' and 'Cart Follow Up'.
Fixed bug related to product card description for UTF-8 languages.
Fixed a minor security bug that was allowing a user to see the first part of the last message of a conversation of another user if the two messages were sent exactly at the same time.
Fixed bug related to the translations of the admin area.
Fixed bug related to the translations of merge fields.
Fixed bug related to the queue when the registration is active.
Fixed minor bugs related to the mobile version.
Fixed bug related to WordPress user update.
Fixed bug related to the PWA installation.
Fixed bug related to WordPress users.
Fixed bug related to queue when Pusher is active.
Fixed bug related to Push notifications when queue is active.
Fixed bug related to Push notifications sent to agents when the departments are used.
Direct messages: emails, text messages, chat messages.
Sms notifications and messages.
RTL support for the admin area.
New admin URL parameters.
Automatic generation of avatars with initials from names for users without a profile image.
Option to select 4 built-in chat button icons.
Option to select 9 built-in chat background patterns.
Option to load a custom js file, and a custom css file, in the admin area.
Internal conversation attachments list.
Admin login by pressing ENTER key.
Browser history.
Minor improvments related to the articles admin area.
Pop-ups and lightboxes in the admin area are now dismissible by clicking anywhere on the page.
Flashing browser tab notification.
Some registration form input fields are now with dedicated layouts and contents: birthday calendar, phone, country, language.
Some input fields of the edit user window of the admin area are now with dedicated layouts and contents: birthday calendar, phone, country, language.
Striped formatting chars from push and desktop notifications.
WordPress automatic server details update on site migration.
If a conversation is assigned to a department, email notifications are now sent only to the agents of that department. If a conversation is assigned to an agent, email notifications are sent only to that agent.
New set of WEB, JS, PHP APIs for direct messages.
New set of WEB, JS, PHP APIs for automations.
New optional argument 'recipient_id' for the PHP API function 'sb_send_message()' and WEB and JS API AJAX funtions 'send-message'.
New PHP API functions 'sb_get_users_with_details()', 'sb_email_send()', 'sb_send_sms()', 'sb_get_notes()', 'sb_add_note()', 'sb_delete_note()', 'sb_css()', 'sb_download_file()', 'sb_get_avatar()', 'sb_get_agents_ids()', 'sb_text_formatting_to_html()', 'sb_clear_text_formatting()'.
New WEB API and JS API AJAX functions 'get-users-with-details', 'send-custom-email', 'send-sms', 'get-notes', 'add-note', 'delete-note', 'chat-css', 'get-avatar', 'get-agents-ids', 'text-formatting-to-html', 'clear-text-formatting'.
New WEB API functions 'text-formatting-to-html', 'clear-text-formatting'.
New webhook 'sms-sent' and JS API event 'SBSMSSent'.
New JS API function 'SBMessage.strip()'.
New JS API AJAX function 'chat-css'.
New API use case: 'Chat in WordPress admin area'.
Messenger app V 1.0.0 released.
Option to disable success registrarion message and user details in success message.
Fixed bug related to the online status and the PHP API function 'sb_is_user_online()'.
Fixed bug related Push notifications for users.
Fixed bug related to repeater settings.
Fixed bug related to new conversations.
The PHP API function 'sb_curl()' now returns the URL of the saved file when the function type is 'FILE'.
New returned value 'extra' for the PHP API function 'sb_get_conversation()' and WEB and JS API funtions 'get-conversation'.
New returned value 'source' for the PHP API functions 'sb_get_conversation()', 'sb_get_conversations()', 'sb_get_new_conversations()', 'sb_search_conversations()' and WEB and JS API funtions 'get-conversation', 'get-conversations', 'get-new-conversations', 'search-conversations'.
New arguments 'source' and 'extra' for the PHP API function 'sb_new_conversation()' and WEB and JS API funtions 'new-conversation'.
Fixed bug related to Support Board URL.
Improved help messages.
Update to the setting 'Whmcs URL'. It now requires the admin URL of WHMCS. Please update it.
Fixed bug related settings and articles translations.
Fixed bug related to Pusher initialization after registration or privacy message.
Fixed bug related to the installation process.
Option to disable follow-up and welcome messages if outside of office hours.
Fixed bug related notifications and Push notifications.
Fixed bug related the settings 'Notify agents of a fallback response' and 'Human takeover request'.
New JS API function 'SBApps.dialogflow.unknowCookie()'.
Fixed bug related emoji and save replies insertion position.
Multilingual articles.
Multilingual emails.
Added Slovak language.
Added Persian language.
New JS AJAX and WEB API functions 'get-user-language', 'article-ratings', 'get-articles-categories', 'save-articles-categories'.
New PHP API functions 'sb_get_multilingual_setting()', 'sb_get_articles_categories()', 'sb_save_articles_categories()', 'sb_article_ratings()'.
New arguments for the PHP API functions 'sb_get_user_extra()', 'sb_get_user_language()', 'sb_get_articles()', 'sb_search_articles()'.
New arguments for the JS AJAX and WEB API functions 'get-user-extra', 'get-articles', 'search-articles'.
Fixed bug related to clients linking.
Fixed bug related to order details in the admin area.
Option to manually initialize the tickets area.
Option to set the default department only for tickets.
Fixed bug related to Pusher and cross-domain installations.
Fixed bug related to WordPress caching plugins.
Fixed multiple bugs related to the reports area.
Fixed bug related to WEB API array values.
Article categories.
Article ratings with dedicated chart in reports area.
New keyboard shortcut, ESC key, to close any search field in the admin area.
Option to ask for the user phone number in email rich message and follow-up message.
Internal notes.
Follow-up option to asks for phone number.
Added Bulgarian language.
Agents now can not delete conversations or empty the trash.
Improved mobile design of the admin area.
Text formatting for offline message.
Improved design and new features for the rating rich message. Rating message is now deprecated and no more available.
New set of APIs for articles.
New API use case: 'Force a specific conversation'.
Fixed bug related to admin translations.
Fixed multiple bugs related to Pusher.
Option to force the language of the admin area.
Improved errors reporting.
Push notifications are now sent to users also if the message is sent from Slack.
Depreacted PHP API function 'sb_slack_agent_online()'. Now replaced by 'sb_slack_presence()'.
Fixed bug related to follow-up message.
Option to use the chat via Web Sockets powered by Pusher.
Push notifications for users.
New option in Settings > Miscellaneous to get the Support Board path.
New option to disable, or enable the mandatory registration for the tickets area or chat via JS variable. Insert 'var SB_REGISTRATION_REQUIRED = true'.
Option to share login and conversations between the main domain and sub domains.
Push and desktop notifications are not sent to agents if the message is from the bot.
Push notifications are now sent to agents also if a message is sent via API.
New conversations started by a subscribe message are now automatically archived.
Removed file init.js. You can now load the chat directly from the main.js file.
Improved reports.
Alert on chat migration.
New JS, PHP API for Pusher.
New JS API functions 'SBF.loadResource()' and 'SBF.debounce()'.
New WEB API function and JS API AJAX function 'cron-jobs'.
Depreacted JS API function 'SBChat.pushNotification()'. Now replaced by 'SBPusher.pushNotification()'.
Updated response for the WEB API function 'is-online'. Returned values are now true or false.
New default user details: address and postal code.
Fixed bug related to channel name with spaces.
Check for online agents now include online Slack users.
Fixed bug related to input rich message information sent to Dialogflow.
Fixed bug related to the timetable dates.
Fixed bug related to follow-up message.
Reports area.
New flags added.
Improved UI for mobile version.
New PHP API function 'sb_is_user_online()', JS API function 'is-online'.
New PHP API function 'get_user_from_conversation()', WEB API function 'get-user-from-conversation', JS API function 'get-user-from-conversation'.
Active eCommerce app V 1.0.0 released.
JavaScript variable SB_DEFAULT_AGENT to set the default agent assigned to new conversations.
Option to prevent agents from viewing conversations assigned to other agents.
New default user details: address and postal code.
New optional parameter 'user_id' for the PHP API function 'sb_update_login()' and the JS API function 'update-login'.
Function name 'sb_get_external_settings()' changed in 'sb_get_external_setting()'.
New optional parameter 'default' for the PHP API function 'sb_get_external_setting()'.
Fixed bug related to the conversation title.
Option to send the ticket by pressing the ENTER keyboard button.
Added WordPress version compatibility.
Option to show the follow-up message when a user add an item to the cart.
WHMCS app V 1.0.0 released.
Fixed bug related to the profile image.
Improved Support Board admin area inside Perfex.
Improved user synchronization.
Fixed bug related to agents linking.
New parameter 'new-window: true' for the 'redirect' action to open a specified URL in a new window.
Improved WordPress logged-in user synchronization.
Removed WordPress setting 'Logout'. The chat now always logout if the WordPress user is not logged-in.
Option to open the Support Board admin area inside the Perfex admin area.
Perfex app V 1.0.0 released.
Fixed bug related to the emoji popup.
Default conversation name setting.
Welcome message can now be used to create the first conversation automatically.
Fixed bug related to PHP fatal errors if the Artificial Intelligence App is not installed.
Fixed bug related to categories and tags links.
Compatibility update to support the new Slack Granular Permissions Scopes.
New PHP API function 'sb_slack_get_users()'.
Fixed bug related to the queue.
Fixed bug related to routing and departments.
Fixed bug related to the social share rich message.
Fixed bug related to WordPress users and admins login and profile update.
Fixed bug related to departments translations in the dashboard.
Fixed bug related to the header minimal design.
Option to open the user details box by URL with attribute 'user=USER-ID'.
New requirement verification: MySQL UTF8mb4 support.
New PHP API function 'sb_external_db()'.
New parameter 'hash_passoword' for the PHP API functions 'sb_add_user()', 'sb_update_user()', 'sb_update_user_and_login()'.
New value 'url' in the login array of the login cookie and in the returned array of the PHP API function 'sb_get_active_user() and JS API function 'get-active-user'.
New value 'FILE' for parameter 'type' of the PHP API function 'sb_curl()'.
Ultimate Membership Pro app V 1.0.0 released.
Replaced deprecated Slack API methods with the new ones.
Fixed bug related to stripped commas in automatic messages.
New WordPress PHP API function 'sb_wp_get_image()'.
New WordPress PHP API function 'sb_wp_site_url()'.
New WordPress PHP API function 'sb_wp_get_option()'.
New parameter 'future' for the JS API function 'SBF.beautifyTime()'.
Fixed bug related to the setting 'Login initialization' and code SBApps.isLoggedWP in the main.js file.
Fixed bug related to new conversations.
Fixed bug related to the 'infinite re-loading' issue in the WordPress admin area.
Option to logout the user from Support Board when the user logout from WordPress.
New WordPress users are now imported automatically and syncronized on update.
Option to open the chat on click of button with ID or CLASS 'sb-open-chat'.
Online users of the admin area are now updated in real-time.
Replaced italic style formatting char _ with char __.
New parameter 'user_id' for the JS API function 'SBChat.desktopNotification()'.
Fixed bug related to orders.
Fixed bug related to product attributes.
Improved security. The encrypted login string is now more secure.
Parameter user_id is now required for PHP API function sb_woocommerce_get_user_orders().
Updated response values for PHP API functions sb_woocommerce_get_user_orders(), sb_woocommerce_get_order() and WEB and JS API methods 'woocommerce-get-order' and 'woocommerce-get-user-orders'.
Fixed bug related to the text editor of the admin area.
Fixed bug related to the follow-up message.
Fixed bug related to links with chars _ in the URL.
Fixed bug related to rich message translations.
Option to allow registration with a duplicate email.
Custom plugin folder name support.
New requirements checks.
Custom admin title now replace also the default title of the admin login form.
JavaScript variable SB_INIT_URL must now contains the full URL.
New WordPress PHP API function 'sb_wp_update_option()'.
Fixed bug related to human takeover email request.
New payload to open an article automatically: open-article.
The bot is now kept always active by default if it doesn't understand a user's question. New option to automatically disable it for 1 hour.
New human takeover request setting: Email request message.
Fixed multiple bugs related to the previous version.
Welcome message for first user's ticket.
New ticket first message don't trigger a Dialogflow chatbot response.
Fixed bug related to the Waiting List.
Fixed bug related to products not found.
Improved chatbot.
Fixed bug related to JS.
Fixed bug related to new user conversation creation.
Fixed bug related to infinite re-loading and cross-domain issues.
Fixed bug related to the close conversation icon of the mobile version.
Fixed bug causing multiple visitors registrations.
Fixed bug related to the missing user details.
Fixed bug related to default messages.
New header type: minimal.
Option to enable full user details also for visitors.
New merge field for emails sent to agents: {conversation_link}.
Option to set a custom text for the login form of the admin area.
Option to enable the users area for agents.
New settings tab: admin.
New option to disable the chat on specific pages via JavaScript. Insert the ' var SB_DISABLED = true'.
Button rich message can now open an article on click.
New global webhooks key: sender-url.
Documentation links in the settings area.
Documentation links in the settings area.
Improved cron jobs execution.
New WEB API function 'agents-online', new JS AJAX function 'agents-online', new PHP API function 'sb_agents_online()'.
WooCommerce app V 1.0.0 released.
Dropped usage of PHP SESSIONS, login data is now saved via Cookies.
Fixed bug related to links in a message.
Option to trigger the welcome intent event for new users.
New action to redirect to user to a specified URL automatically.
New set of WEB API, PHP API and JS API.
New optional parameter 'event' for the JS API function 'send-bot-message', PHP API function 'sb_send_bot_message()' and WEB API function 'send-bot-message'.
Fixed bug related to the proactive feature for new user messages.
Fixed minor sliding offset bug related to the slider Rich Message type.
Fixed minor bug related to the pagination.
Fixed bug related to the edit user panel.
Fixed bug related to the Push notifications.
Fixed bug related to the routing feature.
Fixed bug related to office hours and timetable message times.
Fixed bug related to the 'add-user' function of the WEB API.
Fixed minor bugs related to admin area.
Fixed bug related to special chars in messages and users details.
Fixed bug related to the translations of the registration form.
New Rich Message global parameter: 'settings'.
Option to set the default username to use in bot messages and emails when the user doesn't have a name.
New Button Rich Message attrbute 'style'.
Optional last name field in the follow-up message.
Cron jobs.
Rich Message type 'email' is now customizable.
New Rich Message types: slider images, list images, social share buttons.
Option to automatically collapse the panels of the admin area. Option available in Settings > Design > Collapse boxes.
New message payload event: 'open-chat'.
Added Romanian language.
Dropped usage of PHP SESSIONS, login data is now saved via cookies.
Custom chat button icon is now full size.
Push notifications now support the Dialogflow human takeover options.
Improved admin UI.
The login system is now based on cookies. LocalStorage is deprecated.
Dropped required attribute 'user_id' from the WEB API function 'update-message' and 'delete-message', PHP functions 'sb_update_message()' and 'sb_delete_message()', JS API functions 'update-message' and 'delete-message'.
Updated response for the JS API event 'SBRichMessageSubmit' and the WEB API 'rich-message'.
Update to PHP API function 'sb_get_conversation()' and WEB API function 'get-conversation', the attribute 'user_id' is no more mandatory.
New JS API function 'language' for 'SBUser' object.
New JS API function 'SBChat.updateMessage()'
New JS API function 'SBF.loginCookie()'.
Update to the JS API function name 'SBApps.dialogflowActive()', the name has been replaced by ''.
Human takeover request message.
Fixed bug related to the flash notifications.
Fixed bug that was blocking new breaklines in the textarea of the settings when the ENTER key is pressed.
Fixed bug related to the red notifications counter of the chat bubble.
New fix for the double ENTER press key bug when sending the first message.
Fixed bug related to the last name of the 'update_user()' function.
Fixed bug related to the 'is_agent_typing()' function.
Fixed bug related to the WordPress password hash when the password is updated.
Fixed bug related to the WordPress users synchronization.
Fixed bug related to the WordPress logout.
New WordPress option for forcing the chat to use always one language.
New WordPress option for multisite installations to automatically assign a department to each website and route conversations automatically.
New WordPress feature for choosing in which pages or post types show, or hide the chat. Warning! This feature is disruptive, and you will need to reset it if you were using it before.
Push notifications via Pusher.
Option to delete all leads, including all the linked conversations and messages. Option available in Settings > Users > Delete leads.
Users can now close a conversation and enter in the dashboard from the main header too.
Option to disable the dashboard. Option available in Settings > Chat > Disable dashboard.
Option to set the default notifications icon.
Option to set the title of the admin area.
Display the departments' list in the chat dashboard and force users to choose a department before starting a conversation.
New Rich Message types: video, image, button.
New 'Follow-up message' setting 'Delay'.
New 'Timetable message' setting 'Hide timetable'.
New setting 'Registration link'.
Added Vietnamese and Chinese (simplified) languages.
More accurate desktop notifications for the admin area.
The 'Timetable message' is now sent also if all agents are offline.
Chips Rich Message improvements.
Improved responsive design of the admin login form.
Improved admin UI.
New attribute 'payload' for the JS API function 'sendMessage()'.
New WEB API function 'push-notification', new JS API function 'SBChat.pushNotification()', new PHP API function 'sb_push_notification()'.
New JS API function 'SBChat.desktopNotification()'.
New JS API AJAX function 'delete-leads', new PHP API function 'sb_delete_leads()'.
New API use case: 'Display chat on click'.
Deprecated JS API admin function 'SBConversations.populate()'. This function has been replaced by 'SBConversations.openConversation()'.
Tickets app V 1.0.0 released.
Removed SVG extension from the accepted upload extentions list for security reasons.
Fixed minor cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability related to the registration fields.
Fixed double ENTER press key bug when sending the first message.
Fixed a bug related to the 'New translation' button of the admin settings area.
Fixed a bug that was blocking the display of the images uploaded in the admin settings area if the file name had spaces.
Added default placeholder to the email input of the follow-up message.
Fixed a bug related to the red notifications counter of the new conversations.
Fixed minor bugs related to the privacy message and welcome message.
Fixed minor bugs related to registration process.
Fixed a bug related to a MySQL error on the Users area.
New setting 'Visitor name prefix'.
New Rich Message type: chips.
New paramters 'onSuccess' for the JS API function 'SBChat.populateConversations()'.
New JS API events for the Tickets App 'SBTicketsInit' and 'SBPanelActive'.
New JS API functions area 'Tickets functions'.
New JS API function 'SBF.getLocationTimeString()'.
New JS API function 'SBChat.submit()'.
New JS API function 'SBChat.getDepartmentCode()'.
New PHP API function 'sb_save_settingss()'.
New JS and WEB API function 'sb-search-user-conversations', new PHP API function 'sb_search_user_conversations()'.
New JS API AJAX function: 'get-agent'.
New WEB API Webhook: new-email-address. New JS API event: SBNewEmailAddress.
Rich messages success message is now optional.
RTL setting moved in the 'Design' tab.
Removed users area, edit profile option, docs link, plugin version, updates area from the admin area if the logged-in agent is not an admin.
Improved admin UI.
Updated response of the JS API event: SBConversationOpen.
Fixed bug that was blocking the saving of the bot message if the Dialogflow response included an audio.
Fixed bug related to the feature: notify agents of a fallback response.
Fixed bug that assign a wrong status code to the new conversations when the option 'Notify agents of a fallback response' is active.
Manual human takeover available by sending a custom payload message, more details in the docs.
Fixed pop-up message layout when the chat position is set to left.
Fixed bug related to registration if a user is already registered.
Fixed Rich Message custom success message, it works again.
New keyboard shortcuts: the admin area now supports navigating between conversations by pressing CTRL + UP/DOWN ARROW, navigating between users by pressing CTRL + RIGHT/LEFT ARROW, deleting or archiving a conversation by pressing CANCEL, and close a lightbox by pressing ESC.
Option to disable the pop-up message only on mobile devices.
Media lightbox available also in the admin area.
Option to hide and disable the chat if no agents are online.
Option to hide and disable the chat if all agents are offline.
Option to enable the registration only if all agents are offline.
New JS and WEB API function 'is-agent-typing', new PHP API function 'sb_is_agent_typing()'.
New WEB API function 'get-external-setting'.
Collision detection. Prevent multiple agents from working on the same conversation by showing a label if another agent is writing an answer.
Departments are now fully compatible with the queue.
Added system requirements check in Settings > Miscellaneous.
Larger admin conversation area on smaller screens.
Improved performance and improved compatibility for the CSV exporting process of the users.
Improved admin UI.
Improved media lightbox UI.
Fixed bug related to the feature: notify agents of a fallback response.
Manual human takeover available by sending a custom payload message.
Human takeover is now persistent on page reload. The bot remains disabled for 1h.
Fixed bug for images upload in admin settings area.
Queue with welcome message enabled now works correctly.
Rich message response of close message now doesn't restart the queue.
Fixed duplicated follow-up messages.
Fixed admin bug on conversations search that was loading all conversations on scroll.
Fixed bug that block articles to show for unicode languages.
Fixed search articles preview description.
Fixed bug that display twice the same conversation on the left list of the admin area.
The API is now available.
Added Greek language.
Disabled JavaScript execution on message sending.
Dropped PHP setting requirement: allow_url_fopen=true.
Update of the function name sb_json_encode.
Fixed wrong chat height on Firefox.
Fixed empty path on some server.
Email notifications to agents are not sent if the agent is online.
Registration success message is now multilingual.
Queue. Proportionally distribute conversations between agents and notifies visitors of their position in the queue.
Close message. Send a message automatically after an agent archive a conversation.
Online status switcher. Agents can now change the status from online to offline from the left menu profile area.
Option to display only the login form instead of the registration one.
Option to enable the registration outside of scheduled office hours only.
New rich message types: card and slider.
Admin sound notification for new conversations.
Dropped PHP setting requirement: allow_url_fopen=true.
Improved english translations.
Added few missing translations.
Fixed email notifications bug.
Dialogflow unknow answer notification compatibility.
Fixed wrong loading icon color of settings buttons.
Fixed emoji box inverted direction scrolling in Firefox.
Fixed bug related to translations in WordPress.
Sounds for outgoing and ingoing messages in the admin area.
Email sender name setting.
Fixed agent messages sent as users in admin area.
Fixed bug related to cURL calls.
Fixed bug related to office hours and timetable times.
Current URL real-time update fix.
Admin settings area. Repeater items with empty values are now skipped.
Fixed performance issue of users search function in the users admin area.
Fixed security error message.
Fixed bug related to blocking the WordPress auto multilingual.
Minor WordPress admin UI fixes.
Auto pagination of the left conversations list in admin area.
Auto pagination of the users table in admin area.
Sending message status.
Upload attachments of admin and chat via Drag and Drop.
Sounds for outgoing messages.
Welcome message delay and trigger options.
Option to disable the chat file upload button.
Option to replace the Support Board logo of the admin login area with your logo.
Auto Support Board user update on WordPress user update.
Compatibiliy with WordPress cache plugins js minify and combination.
Improved admin area performance.
Custom button text for privacy link.
Email notifications support for UTF-8 contents.
Front end chat animations on outgoing and ingoing messages.
Auto RTL for the languages codes ar, he, ku, fa, ur.
Browser, Language and OS preview icons in user details admin area.
Improved performance for slow connections.
Typing status improvement and bot typing status integration.
Custom registration button text.
Follow up message now send email notifications to agents after user email submission.
Fixed double message error if Intent include Google Assistant response.
Dialogflow option Set this intent as end of conversation is now recognized by Support Board.
User attachments are now sent to Dialogflow.
Intent box layout optimizaion.
Fixed corrupted links sent from Slack.
Fixed attachment close icon position.
Conversations search on admin area is now case-insensitive.
Minor layout updates.
Fixed wrong header on cross-origin requests.
Fixed wrong UTC offset on data and time on older iPhones.
Fixed bug related to installation for some MySQL configuration.
Fixed bug that scroll to the bottom of the chat for each survey response.
Fixed bug that display the chat editor when an article or panel is open from a conversation.
Additional fields on registration form are now displaied correctly.
Fixed bug related to importing WordPress users.
Departments. Assign departments to agents and filter conversations by departments. Send conversations to different departments.
Option to disable the last name in the registration form.
Option to archive automatically the conversations marked as read every 24h.
Layout and scroll improvements related to the mobile version.
Dates now always display hours and minutes.
Admin notification when an email is sent to a user.
Improved admin UI.
New keyboard shortcuts: the admin area now supports sending messages by pressing ENTER and inserting a new breakline in the message by pressing CTRL + ENTER.
Chat and conversation open/close status are now saved and applied on page reload.
Option notify agents by email and mark the conversation as waiting for reply only if the bot doesn't know the answer to the user question.
Agents can now add new Dialogflow Intents from user's messages.
Support Board V 3.0.0 released.
Desk mode is deprecated and no more available.
Changelog of versions prior to 3.0.0 are not showed here.
Slack app V 1.0.0 released.
Artificial Intelligence App V 1.0.0 released.